The Ancient Paths is the television ministry of Christ Presbyterian Church in Salt Lake City, Utah (a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.) The program airs every Wednesday night at 8:00pm MST on KTMW-TV20 (a channel that covers all of Utah and parts of the surrounding states).

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Ancient Paths - Episode 55: Interview with Van Hale

This is the fifty-fifth episode of the Ancient Paths television program, hosted by Pastor Jason Wallace. In this episode Pastor Wallace interviews Mormon Apologist Van Hale about the legitimacy of Joseph Smith as a prophet. The program airs on Wednesday nights at 8:00pm on KTMW-TV20, a station that is available in Utah and parts of surrounding states. The program is hosted by Christ Presbyterian Church of Salt Lake City. This episode aired on 03/04/09.


Unknown said...

Even though it seemed that Pastor Wallace and Mr Van Hale never did outline what qualifications a prophet should have, I submit for considration a talk by Elder Hugh B. Brown an Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints titled " The Profile of a Prophet" available for free in mp3 file or pdf at the following link:

Also consider the 87th section of the Doctrine and Covenants where Joseph Smith propesied of the Civil War of the United States and other wars given in 1832. See

And Section 89 about the dangers of tobacco given in 1833
Now we have knowledge of the harm tobacco does.

I testify by the spirit of the Holy Ghost that Joseph Smith is the prophet of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

jay said...

van hale and paul r truly living in denial.the Bible is the ONLY true testament of GOD. the book of mormon,doctrine and covenants and pearl of great price are nothing but fiction.God will judge those who pervert his Word.